Investment casting

Originating from China to global, we are providing investment parts according to ISO 8062 and VDG standard.

Silica sol investment casting stainless steel glass clamp

OEM stainless steel service for investment casting.

China precision casting stainless steel fishing rod fixing seat

Qingdao China precision stainless steel casting company.

China precision investment casting stainless steel hinge used in houseboat

China OEM precision casting stainless steel hinge.

China stainless steel investment casting company houseboat bitt

China silica sol investment casting manufacturer

OEM polished surface stainless steel silica sol investment casting furniture handle

China OEM investment casting stainless steel handle manufacturer

OEM investment casting China company steel chemical process pump case

OEM steel alloy pump case from China investment company

Customized precision casting steel construction engineering machinery wear part

OEM precision manganese alloy casting company in China

China company customized investment casting steel pump half open impeller

Precision casting steel impellers company in China